The Institute of Design holds its Design Strategy Conference each May, with killer speakers, great roundtable discussions and an opportunity to meet a ton of smart people from all over.
Attending last year’s conference for Harley-Davidson sealed the deal for me in deciding to go to school at ID. I was able to hear Roger Martin of Rotman speak about how design and business can work together; Wired Magazine’s Chris Anderson, author of The Long Tail, on the topic of abundance; and David Lawrence of Shimano on their new Coasting product, among many others. Great insights. Great conversations. Great case studies. And everyone was super friendly and accessible. Both Martin and Steelcase's Jim Hackett took time to speak with me and several students and professors provided some great info about the programs.
This year’s lineup is just as good or better with speakers such as John Seely Brown, Matt Mason, Bill Buxton and Bruce Nussbaum, who is a fan of the event. Two speakers I’m excited to hear from that reinforce just how big design is getting in the business world are A.G. Lafley and Claudia Kotchka from P&G.
I’m also super excited to be among a team of students working with Vince LaConte, director of marketing at ID, on a book project for the Strategy Conference. More on that later though.
Hope you can make it. If you’re going, be sure to shoot me an e-mail and we can try and meet up during the conference.